What Is Patreon And How Does It Work?

I've been blogging on the internet for the last five years. Seiders told Polygon that if she were able to talk to the payment team and executive committee at Patreon today, she would appeal to the company's concern about the future, and ask them to take time to examine how this may hurt Patreon's growth in the future.

I also reached out to Heather Wilder, Creator Care Specialist and Jordan Cope, Creator Discovery at Patreon to ask them how writers can use the site to get funding, build a team of supportive readers and grow their writing careers. In 2018 Patreon added new features to help creators manage and track what they deliver to patrons, plus share exclusive content and communicate with their patrons more effectively.

You can ask your patrons (as your donors are called) to either pledge a monthly fee or pledge per creation. Patreon's appeal is twitch patreon somewhat narrowcasted, but if you're a content creator (or a business that creates content), the platform enables you to get paid directly by the people who consume your content.

The Patreon platform isn't just a vital tool for creators and influencers, though. Patreon is a crowdfunding platform created in 2013 by Jack Conte, a YouTube musician, and his then-roommate Sam Yam, a developer. Is this right?” This blows and continues to convince that Patreon isn't especially interested in having a platform to help smaller, niche creators,” tweeted the illustrator and designer Erica June.

Eventually, he decided that he wanted to go independent, and to the surprise of many, his fans were able to pay him more than his previous platforms and allowed him to run his show with no advertisements. Delivering content to podcast backers is simple, with Patreon's built-in RSS feed.

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